Mount Road Vets's home page
  • Call our surgery0161 223 0225
  • Out of hours0161 222 6101

Christmas Opening Hours

Date Opening Times
Monday 23rd December Closed
Tuesday 24th December 10am - 4:30pm
Wednesday 25th December Closed
Thursday 26th December Closed
Friday 27th December 10am - 4:30pm * 
Saturday 28th December Closed
Sunday 29th December Closed
Monday 30th December 10am - 6:30pm
Tuesday 31st December 10am - 4:30pm *
Wednesday 1st January Closed
Thursday 2nd January Open As Normal

If you need veterinary assistance when the practice is closed, please contact our emergency out of hours service provision VetsNow - 0161 222 0803 who will be available throughout the whole of the Christmas and New Year period. 

no vet appointments, our support team will be available to answer any queries, book future appointments, medication collections etc for the 27th and 31st ONLY